Why use a framework?
How can the use of a good framework accelerate and improve the quality of software development? In this article, we’ll explain the definition of a framework and the benefits a framework can bring to the software development process.
When discussing the development of computer applications – namely web, mobile or software apps – it’s very common that the choice of the technology for developing the tool is geared towards a framework.
Definition of a framework in IT development technology
A framework, which can also be called an “application framework”, is an assortment of structural software components that are meant to define the skeleton of certain parts of the software, or to form the software as a whole.
A framework is much more complete than a software library; its particular characteristics are:
- It provides a framework for developers: A framework is designed in such a way as to lay down a software architecture that will guide developers and lead them to respect certain patterns.
- It provides a common core of generic libraries that are customizable according to the needs of the planned software tool to be developed.
A framework is a real toolbox for developers. The autonomous components made available to the framework facilitate development and allow it to proceed much faster than if the developer were to code with another technology.
The components offered by a framework are designed to solve problems often encountered by developers when coding. This is why developers prefer using frameworks; they are more efficient and faster to use.
Symfony, to name one, is essentially a set of PHP components. In addition to providing structuring components, it offers a real methodology for applications. Symfony can be considered more as a conductor than just a collection of libraries, which is what sets it apart from other frameworks, and what grants it all its power.
What are the advantages of using a framework for your software?
The benefits of using a framework to improve the productivity of a team of developers are numerous and can be quickly felt from the start of an IT project. Here are some:
- The speed of development: With a framework, developers do not for example need to start from scratch to create a web application, and they can also know what direction to move in.
- A more robust architecture: By choosing a good framework, the architecture will be well-thought out and can guarantee a website functions well.
- The components and libraries offered are reusable at will: modules, bundles, plugins, etc. The role of the framework is to encourage developers to reuse components and code from other developers. Indeed, why reinvent the wheel if what is needed to code already exists and works well?
- An active community with regular updates: When you opt to develop your web tool with a framework, you gain access to a large community of active contributors who regularly correct flaws or gaps in the framework. This point is very important when you want a robust application with good quality code that can be easily maintained over time. Developers enjoy programming on tools that are continuously and regularly improved and maintained.
These are some server-side web frameworks:
- Symfony (PHP)
- Node.js (JavaScript)
- Ruby On Rails (Ruby)
- Django (Python)
Some client-side web frameworks:
- Bootstrap,
- Angular.js
- React.js
- Materialize
- Semantic UI
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