Web developer: a job that will still be in high demand in 2022
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to rethink our lifestyle and adapt. When it was impossible to go out to work, many turned to the internet. This explosive increase in telecommuting has led us to look for more technological solutions to keep our businesses going. It’s no wonder then that the job market in the IT industry is growing at a rapid pace, especially for web developers like Bocasay, our offshore outsourcing company.

The job of a web developer
The main role of a web developer is to create websites, using computer languages such as JavaScript, HTML, Python…
The web developer is in charge of developing the functionalities of a website and/or an application according to a set of specifications established beforehand, as well as to create technical solutions tailored to meet the needs and expectations of the client and its users. As technology evolves day by day, developers must be passionate about being up to date with constant innovations. Here is a list of their missions:
- Design/creation of a website/application and its functionality.
- Analyzing and advising on client requests.
- Writing software code lines.
- Adapting plugins (additional tools) on CMS (content management system).
- Developing PHP (free programming language).
- Searching for hosting solutions.
- Putting the sites and applications online.
- Correcting bugs.
- Training users.
The skills required to become a web developer are:
- Knowledge of web development languages.
- Great web culture and knowledge of internet trends.
- Versatility.
- Autonomy.
- Proactivity.
- Adaptability to the constantly changing environment.
There are many training courses to learn web development. A minimum level of Bac +2 is recommended (BTS or DUT in computer science). The best is to continue to a Master 2 in Computer Science, or enter a school specialized in computer science. Note that some small structures (communication agencies, web agencies, VSEs) are looking for less qualified profiles, because they have less resources. They are therefore not looking for overqualified people, but rather competent and self-taught people.
🌎 If you want to find a web developer as soon as possible to strengthen your team of developers, you can count on us, contact us, we are a specialized offshore outsourcing company.🌎
The Different Specializations
When we refer to a web developer, it is a rather generic term that encompasses several specialties. In order to understand the different subtleties of the different specializations of the web developer’s job, here are some examples:
The front-end developer:
The front-end developer takes care of the front end, which is what happens on the screen, on the user’s side. He must ensure that visitors to the website can easily interact with the page. To do this, he combines design, technology and programming to code the appearance of a website and manage bugs. This role is different from the web designer, who makes the graphic models.
The back-end developer:
The back-end developer, as opposed to the front-end developer, takes care of what we do not see on the screen, the back-end. The “back-end” of a website is a combination of technologies and programming that powers a website. It consists of three parts that a user never sees: a server, an application and a database. A back-end developer is a person who builds and maintains the technology needed to power the components that allow the website’s user interface to exist.
The full-stack developer:
Full-stack developers are computer programmers who are proficient in both the back-end and front-end. Their main responsibilities include designing user interactions on websites, developing servers and databases for website functionality and coding for mobile platforms. The role is mostly present in small company structures, where holding the position of front-end and back-end is really possible.
The web designer:
The web designer creates or renovates websites. They understand what it takes to make a website functional and easy to use, but also what it takes to make it aesthetically appealing to the user.
The DevOps engineer:
DevOps engineers reduce complexity, bridging the gap between the actions needed to quickly change an application, and the tasks that maintain its reliability.
Development teams and IT operations teams may have different skills and goals. Developers want to introduce new features into an application, while operations teams want to preserve the stability of an application once it is released.
The DevOps engineer aims to unify and automate processes, and is instrumental in combining code, application maintenance and management. All of these tasks rely on understanding not only the development lifecycles, but also the DevOps engineer’s culture, philosophy, practices and tools.
The state of the market in 2021

2021 was a very good year for IT development. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic pushed the whole world to rethink its daily life and especially its work. Telecommuting has become essential and therefore, in a very short time, many companies, students, employees, self-employed people have expressed the need to have access to more IT solutions. And this has generated an increase in work for web developers.
The profiles sought for 2022
According to the study by Codin Game and Coder Pad, in 2022, 53% of recruiters have a larger budget to hire developers or an offshore outsourcing company.

Here are the most sought-after skills:
Knowledge of programming languages including JavaScript:
- JavaScript is still the most requested language.
- Data analysis is an increasingly sought-after skill.
- Mastery of back-end development.
- Use of natural referencing (SEO)