IT Outsourcing: Australia and Vietnam, a Winning Multicultural Collaboration!

IT News

In a world where "diversity is the true wealth of humanity", according to former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the modern technology industry is forged in diversity and innovation across borders. Australia and Vietnam embody this richness through an offshore IT partnership, fueled by their shared appreciation of multiculturalism.

Reinforce your team of Australian developers with Vietnamese developers

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What Impact will ChatGPT have on SEO?

IT News

On the eve of 2024, ChatGPT, OpenAI's revolutionary tool, is revolutionizing our content creation habits and redefining the contours of SEO. According to a study by Le Point in February 2023, ChatGPT was already being used by over a billion people worldwide. In 2023, 80% of jobs are silently but decisively impacted by ChatGPT, reveals a report by the moderator's blog.

How we use ChatGPT for your SEO work?

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The 3 Rs of Software Engineering: Readability, Resilience and Reuse

IT News

Web sustainability and ‘green’ digital products rely on developers capable of delivering software solutions that not only work well, but are also able to thrive and stand the test of time.

In the ever-evolving landscape of software code development, incorporating the three guiding principles of readability, resilience and reuse within your programming practices, can ultimately shape the future success of any software engineering project.

The Three Pillars of Software Engineering Clarity, Robustness, and Reusability

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Introduction to Mojo Programming: Combining C++ Speed with Python Accessibility

IT News

A top-choice for AI development, Mojo is a new programming language that blends Python’s usability with high-performance found in languages like C++ and Rust. It empowers developers with exceptional programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models.

Mojo is designed to gradually become a superset of Python, just like TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. By offering a simple and concise syntax that enables a neural network to be implemented with much less effort than other languages, Mojo is actually being marketed as the faster alternative to Python.

Discover Mojo Programming for AI development

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Outsourcing software development in Vietnam: managing the risks

IT News

Outsourcing software development has become common practice in the business world, offering benefits such as cost reduction, access to specialist skills and operational flexibility. However, this strategy is not without its challenges, particularly when development is outsourced to destinations such as Vietnam. As Vietnam has emerged as one of the key players on the global outsourcing scene, it is imperative to understand the risks associated with project management in this particular context.

What you need to know before outsourcing your IT development to Vietnam

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Successfully Navigating Long-Term Collaboration with a Vietnam-based Web Agency

IT News

In the current era, where digital transformation guides business development, collaboration with offshore web agencies emerges as a crucial strategy. This article delves into the subtleties of establishing and managing a long-term relationship with an offshore web agency, highlighting the flexibility offered when scaling the developer team up or down based on project requirements.

Put all the chances on your side when working with your web agency in Vietnamjpg

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Software Development in Fintech: Consumer Trends and Expectations

IT News

The world of financial technology, or FinTech, is experiencing rapid growth. At the heart of this revolution, software development is emerging as an essential pillar, shaping user experiences and meeting the changing expectations of consumers. In this article, we will explore software development insights in the FinTech sector, as well as user expectations, with a particular focus on the impact of the Millennial generation.


Financial application usage habits are changing @NOOBSTAR999

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Major Tech Trends to Prepare for in 2024

IT News

Across industries, from generative AI, smart energy solutions, all the way to genomics, a wide range of emerging technologies require attention from IT professionals and managers around the world.

Digital transformation is a never-ending process and it’s that time of the year again, when it’s strategically smart to examine the most prominent tech trends shaping our digital future in the year ahead.

In this article, Bocasay, our offshore IT agency based in Vietnam, provides an overview of the most impactful tech trends currently transforming our digital landscape.

What should we be dreaming about technologically in 2024 @shon @midjourney

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Low-Code Trends in 2024

IT News

Low-code programming platforms continue to provide cutting-edge software solutions for businesses in need of rapid application development at a minimal cost.

With almost zero coding expertise, low-code platforms enable businesses and their employees to develop software applications that cater to their specific needs.

In contrast to traditional, on-premises development, low-code solutions empower companies to produce software and integrations with more speed and agility.

Low Code, a race to simplify and accelerate application development @zerocoder_neuro @midjourney

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