Agile Practices for Better Web Design

IT News

The quality of your web design is essential to ensure customer satisfaction and business success. Agile methods have become increasingly popular in web development because they offer a collaborative and flexible approach that allows you to deliver high quality products in a timely manner.

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How to escape the bottomless pit of technical debt in web development?

IT News

In web development, a "black hole" can be defined as a problem that may seem minor at first, but can quickly grow into a larger, more complex issue. To avoid the risk of a black hole, it's important to consider all features and requirements early on in the development process, document design choices and monitor potential issues for quick resolution.

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What is Git, and how does it fit into an Agile workflow?

IT News

Git is an open-source version control system that allows developers to track changes to their source code and collaborate with other developers on the same project. Created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, today Git is widely used within the software development industry.


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Software Development for the Meteorology Sector

IT News

The development of weather software is essential today. It helps governments, businesses and individuals make informed decisions based on weather conditions. Weather software can also help prevent natural disasters and improve people's quality of life.

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Software Development in the Recycling Sector

IT News

Waste management is one of the most innovative fields in the world. With a waste disposal market characterized by constant evolution, key players within the recycling sector require advanced software solutions that meet the industry’s needs and challenges, fast becoming more and more important in the fight against global warming.

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The Importance of Data Back-Up

IT News

Backing up collected data is an important part of data management. Backups protect against human error, hardware failure, virus attacks, power outages and natural disasters. When these errors occur, backups save time and money.

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What is a development framework?

IT News

A development framework is a set of tools, libraries and conventions that enable developers to create applications more quickly and efficiently. Development frameworks provide structures and templates for organizing application code and files, as well as common features such as database management, user input validation, user session management and security.

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