The importance of being an agile and anti-fragile company

IT News

The easing of lockdown measures is accelerating across Europe, and companies have been eagerly awaiting news from political leaders on how and when they will be eased further.

Experience from the past few months has taught us at least one thing: in times of uncertainty, the most vulnerable organizations are the ones that are the least agile.

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How has the crisis boosted the e-health sector?

IT News

The Covid-19 crisis has propelled telemedicine and e-health directly into the daily lives of consumers and patients.

In this article, we are going to be addressing the following questions: Is this a new era for telemedicine? Will it remain the same after the pandemic? How has the pandemic accelerated the widespread adoption of remote consultations by communities?

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How to Be Lean With Outsourcing

IT News

Having a lean IT operation is about understanding your needs and the tools available to you, and acting accordingly.

The business and labor market ecosystem is in a state of constant flux. New technologies have made it easier than ever to communicate with remote teams, making outsourcing an obvious choice for many companies looking to expand or improve their IT assets.

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Coronavirus and Digital Transformation: 5 Key Areas

IT News

Countless businesses are now faced with a serious choice: embrace digital or die.

We’ve written before on Digital Transformation, and how important it is for any company looking to compete in the modern world of digital commerce and business. And in light of the current COVID-19 crisis, that point has become even more true, and been brought into a sharper focus than ever before. 

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The Future of Remote Work

IT News

The Covid-19 crisis has shaken the world and brought remote work firmly into the center of business’ survival strategies and future success.

If you asked most managers around the world how much of their work was done remotely six months ago, you would probably not get an affirmative response from many.

Remote work has, until very recently, been considered either a temporary solution when personal circumstances of workers demanded it, or an arrangement confined to the world of freelancers and ‘Digital Nomads’.

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3 situations that tell you it’s time to hire an IT company

IT News

When you have IT development teams in your company, you know how crucial the management of your applications, software or websites is. This task requires making the right decisions to stay efficient, productive, qualitative and competitive.

We’ve analyzed the different situations that have prompted our customers to call on our services, which are outlined below.

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IT Outsourcing Myths vs. Realities

IT News

The current Coronavirus crisis the world is facing shows just how powerfully the internet can be used for businesses, schools and organizations to continue their operations using remote communication, interaction and work.

However, while we have been reaping the benefits of the age of the Internet for quite a while now, there are some stereotypes and ideas about working with remote teams that continue to affect the decisions that many businesses make.

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3 Key Exercises for Launching a Web or Mobile Project

IT News

In this article, we’re going to refer to web and mobile projects interchangeably. This is not because they are the same thing, either technically or effectively, but because this article is going to discuss the type of general planning and thinking that should go on before you embark on either a web or app development project.

These three steps will not only help you refine the idea for your project, but will also help you identify what kind of expertise you are going to need, and will also help you narrow down what is going to serve your business and goals best: a mobile app, a website, or both.

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Time Zone Management: Secret Productivity Weapon

IT News

With the right tools, management and planning, distance can be used to your advantage.

However, while geography can be bridged through technology, one thing that cannot is the time zone.

This article will discuss some of the tools and methods that can be used to leverage time zone difference to your advantage when developing IT projects.

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Why do some IT outsource projects fail?

IT News

Many outsource services seem to tick all the boxes, but ultimately don’t deliver on their promises.

Outsourcing your project to a development team can indeed bring huge benefits to the potential, cost and quality of your project.

Read on to find out what they are, and how to ensure you choose an IT service provider that can do what they say they can.

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