BizDevOps connect your developments with your user’s reality

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What are the steps you need to follow, in order to connect your IT developments with the reality of user experiences? To maximize the potential of the DevOps concept, development teams and operation teams are required to collaborate closely not to mention, the organizational boundaries between functional silos and IT silos tend to dissipate..

Make the business context, the core of your delivery pipeline!

BizDevOps or DevOps 2.0 is a concept which aims to align the application development of a company with the real expectations of businesses.

Goals of BizDevops:

• Optimize the satisfaction of final users,

• Decrease time periods between two releases, as much as possible,

• Speed up and make room for innovation cycles.

Example: A company which develops native mobile apps has included DevOps into its operating system. The teams have implemented a rule, which shall evaluate every new feature that is part of the production. If this new feature is used by less than 10% of the users, then the latter is removed, and all costs related to its operation are repealed..

Companies are now setting up interdisciplinary teams, whose ambition is to meet the cross-functional objectives arising from operations, development and business..

Integrating DevOps concept into your organization requires several changes within existing processes. This integration makes up a true feat and requires the mobilization of a lot of resources. This is mostly to make change appealing for the team. But the juice is worth the squeeze.

According to the “State of DevOps Report 2017” report, out of 3,200 respondents, the most successful companies which practice BizDevOps, provide a new code 46 times more often. They are able to make changes 440 times faster, while reducing average recovery time, but also rates of error.

How to implement the practices of the concept?

Adapt with the business pace

It often happens that businesses take and plan decisions without involving the IT. In response to these decisions, IT teams need to take immediate action, which aren’t properly measured and often get the rug pulled under their feet.

However, the “State of DevOps Report 2017” report states than when development teams get down to actively responding to the pace, which is imposed by the business teams, it is often at the cost of the quality.

BizDevOps is fully included while accompanying the digital transformation of the company.

Principle of containers

This principle is extremely popular when it comes to DevOps approaches, for its flexibility and scalability. For example, consider a customer who travels by plane. A customer who travels, means several stages and technological interactions which need to be satisfied. In other words, it is a set of small services which are dedicated to each step of the traveler:

• ordering a ticket online

• checking-in at the airport,

• waiting in a private room

• boarding the plane,

• etc.

Each micro team is dedicated to a service and has its own technology. All the teams in the link, must be aligned with each other and need to constantly communicate. Throughout this chain, the number of interactions are high, and the analysis of the problems can quickly become very tough. This is how BizDevOps shall enable teams to work together optimally.

Action to be implemented by developers

A variety of different methods and tools can be implemented depending on the sector of activity and the company’s business

1. Prioritize actions to undertake, depending on the professional goals

Conduct workshops where developers and business managers discuss end-user requirements together. The exchanges revolve around a transparent view, in terms of what the end users are expecting, therefore it can lead to the following questions: what are the main goals, how to prioritize them, how to conciliate the interests of each one?

2. Use metrics to talk about the deliveries which have taken place

For each team to actually provide the required working effort at the right time, the IT department needs to send delivery groundwork to other departments. Due to this method, it is also possible to keep up with the failures, which are experienced following a delivery. How many deliveries have the latter really failed? What are the reasons etc.

3. Work with the Scrum and Kanban methods

The Scrum and Kanban methods help you remain focused and stay efficient, even in a complex environment. Transversal teams using these tools and methods must not lose sight of their mutual goals. Progress must be accomplished together. If a developer has finished developing a task quicker than expected, rather than starting another task, the same developer must go and help other team members with their current tasks and therefore complete the sprint goal, much faster.

4. Retrospectives and looking towards the future

A reunion at the end of each sprint through a “sprint review”, with all the concerned teams: exploitation, development, profession in order to clearly discuss, what worked out and what didn’t. Always keeping the following goal in mind: how can we manage the entire pipeline better?

Implementing a development team through micro-services

Bocasay and Maltem Consulting Group will help you answer 3 kinds of challenges:

Technical challenge: your challenge? accessing various technologies to answer the needs of your application.

Bocasay implements a team of expert developers on the future technologies.

Challenges on the quality code: your requirements? measure the quality code on the entire pipeline, identify error elements and incidents. Maltem Consulting Group has strategy consultants, evolution of business processes and accompanying change.

Challenges on sharing data: is your goal to make it so that development, exploitation business teams can access only one database? Maltem Consulting offers skills in Business Intelligence, Data Science and IT performance.

All news concerning computer development, computer development providers, software and web application, can be found our blog.

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